Quick Learning Modules from Cisco Learning Networks: Using iPad for M-Learning

Cisco QLMs: cisco.com/go/m-learning


cisco m learning

Here is an exciting news for those who would love have in-demand learning contents on Various Cisco technologies created specially for Apple iPad users. Also it is equally a great news for those who are evaluating the scope and the new dimensions of m-Learning . Cisco Learning Network(CLN) has released a FREE version of QLM (Quick Learning Module) course  for iPad —  leraning content in chunk that can be accessed anywhere anytime for a quick learning purpose. Even though the m-learning concept using iPad is not new, the QLM concept is certainly a milestone in this domain. Cisco QLMs are  first of its kind effective mini learning modules that is going to shape the way we learn. The idea behind the Cisco QLM is “to provide […] customers with training on in-demand technical topics in use today by top Cisco engineers”

A typical QLM module from Cisco  is centered round a focused topic such as Wireless, Routers, Networking, etc. and it consists of several video training materials from Cisco  Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)  along with some simulation videos on configurations, lab demos. Each of these videos are supplemented with some text and notes to help the learner understand the context better. At the end of the course there is the self assessment section with the detailed score sheet and review answers features. Each QLM module also has a section with important links to related Cisco Learning Communities and Discussion Groups. Also there is a section with the references links to the topic related sites, webpages, factsheets, books, journbals etc.

With the QLMs on your iPad you no more need to worry about where to look for your CCNA, CCNP and other Cisco certification exams. Because each of the module is very focused on target topic, you can shorten your learning curve  efforts and quickly learn the tips to master the subject.

The current FREE QLM module is can be downloaded from the CLN store via the Cisco M-Learning Viewer. The basic steps to download the QLM is as follows:

1. Get the new Version of the Cisco M-Learning Viewer app for iPad from iTunes store.

i.   Visit iTunes App store on your iPad or via your iTunes.

ii. Search for “M-Learning Viewer” or “Cisco”

iii. Select the “M Learning Viewer ” to download.Now you have it installed on your iPad.

Refer to the video below:

2. Get the FREE QLM titled “Free iPad Learning Module”from CLN Store

i.  Tap on M Learning Viewer” app on your i-Pad to get started.

ii. At the bottom nav bar of the app, select “Catalog” to go to catalogue screen.

iii. You will see “Free iPad Learning Module” in the list. Tap on “Purchase” button. Don’t worry it is FREE app, so there won’t be any charge for downloading this.

iv. It will start download your free module….it will take some time. It is recommended that you use “Wifi”

v. At the end of the download you will see a popup box asking you to give user name and login. Just use “free” as username and click on login….it will activate the content.

vi. Now you haver the QLM on your iPad. Enjoy !

I will be posting video demos soon.

The FREE version of this QLM will expire on January 31st 2011. So hurry and get your hands on it before it expires!

Also at the end of the module, do not forget to send feedback to Cisco on what else you would love to see there or whether it is upto what you expect.

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3 thoughts on “Quick Learning Modules from Cisco Learning Networks: Using iPad for M-Learning

  1. Couple of years ago we built mini training modules (we called them trainettes) that were injected into the technical repair info for VW and Audi repair technicians. It was cross referenced to the applicable repair info so they could get quick 4 min training on the specific topic. Worked very well.

    After that I’ve held that small, ondemand, in workflow training will be the future. The retention is higher as they apply the info immediatly to modify their work performance. Information fatigue is low as they are small bite sized pieces. Excited to see it coming to IT.

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